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How it works 

How it works 

Why Aspirin is effective?
How does Aspirin protect against Attacks at confirmed high risk patients ? Let’s understand what happens inside your body to learn how Aspirin works.

    Your Heart

    Your Heart

    The heart is a muscular organ about the size of a closed fist which pumps blood throughout the body through blood vessels of the circulatory system. A healthy heart is the foundation of wellness

    Your Heart

    Platelets and Blood Clot Formation

    Platelets are your blood's clotting cells that clump together and help to form blood clots. During a heart attack or ischemic stroke, blood clots form in an artery and block the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. [57]

    Aspirin’s Role during a Heart Attack or Ischemic Stroke

    Aspirin’s Role during a Heart Attack or Ischemic Stroke

    Aspirin slows the blood clotting action by reducing the clumping of platelets, thus helping to prevent or reduce blood clots. [44]
    When taken during a heart attack, Aspirin decreases the formation of blood clots thus keeping the blood flowing freely. [44]